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Our OB/GYN practice is pleased to offer a number of different options for women looking to naturally balance their hormones. Hormonal imbalances can occur at many different transition times, but are especially common around perimenopause, which refers to the four to five years before the last period (for most women, this time period occurs in the late forties). 


Hormone therapy can help with common symptoms of perimenopause including:

  • Sleep disturbances, including difficulty falling asleep and nighttime awakenings​

  • Hot flashes

  • Night sweats

  • Fatigue

  • Low libido

  • Weight gain


Several of our OB/GYN providers have undergone specialized training in hormone therapy, including Biote® pellet treatments.


Our hormone therapy options include:

  • Comprehensive thyroid evaluation

  • Estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone replacement

  • Bioidentical oral, vaginal, and transdermal agents

  • Bioidentical Troches

  • Biote® pellets


With Biote®, our providers are able to customize the dose of pellet therapy specifically to your hormonal needs. Biote® pellet therapy involves your provider numbing the area then making a small incision, usually in the buttocks. Next, she inserts the pellet subcutaneously. Each pellet is about the size of a grain of rice.


Each person is unique, and so is their path to hormone optimization through the Biote® method of hormone optimization. Most patients report relief as early as four weeks or less, but full hormone optimization may take up to six months. Some do not see the full benefits until after their second insertion. Most people require two to four pellet insertions per year.


If you have low testosterone or low estrogen, Biote® hormone optimization can make a big difference in your quality of life. 


People who have used Biote® pellet therapy say they experience:

  • Renewed energy

  • Improved strength & weight loss

  • Better sleep, focus & clarity

  • Restored libido & closer relationships

  • Improved mood & feeling of well-being 


If you are wondering if hormone therapy may help you better manage one of life's transitions, please call our office to set up a hormone therapy consult. During this visit, we start with an assessment of your symptoms and check bloodwork to evaluate hormone levels. Then, one of our specialized providers will review your individualized results, help you understand all the options, and work with you to compose a treatment plan that best fits your needs.


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